Green Couch

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Green Couch

(Cynondon Dactylon) is a warm season perennial grass that is well adapted to tropical and sub-tropical climates. Green Couch is a vigorous grass that propagates from both stolons and rhizomes. Green Couch has a fine to medium texture with leaf structure that is approximately 1.5mm wide and 20-160mm long. It has a dense growth habit, with a tendency to become a finer texture as the density increases. Below the surface the root system assists in stabilising the soil, but will also invade adjacent areas if not controlled. It is suited to amenity areas, households, parklands , roadsides, playing fields and golf fairways.


  • Low amounts of thatch
  • Good herbicide resistance
  • Fine to medium textured leaf

Cold Tolerant

Tolerant of cold temperatures

High Traffic Tolerant

Extremely hard wearing

Required Sunlight

7-8 hours of direct sun per day

Type of Grass

Used for sporting fields

Mowing Height

10 – 25 mm


Rapid recovery from damage

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