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or Zoysia Tenuifolia, and sometimes referred to as “no mow” grass, is a spreading grass that develops a unique freeform “clumping” appearance. Minmow is suited to sloping sites and batters where mowing is difficult or impractical. In such areas it may be left un-mown for a natural look.
Alternatively, Minmow can be used amongst boulders, ponds, stepping stones and in courtyards where a run-over with a mower or brush cutter once or twice a year will produce a more manicured appearance. This dense, deep green variety is for those who are looking for the “wow” factor in the garden.
- Very fine leaf
- Very slow growing
- Ideal for around pools, rocks, nooks

Cold Tolerant
Grows well in colder conditions
Drought Tolerant
Grows well with minimal watering
High Traffic Tolerant
Resistant to wear and tear

Shade Tolerant
Grows well in shaded areas

Required Sunlight
Grows well in direct sunlight

Mowing Height
Leave unmowed for a natural look

Type of Grass
Very fine leaf with clumping appearance

Slow growing so not suitable for traffic
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