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is the new generation turf grass for Queensland conditions which is now being installed in backyards around South-East Queensland. Aussiblue has a fine to medium leaf and is similar in colour to Queensland Blue Couch. This variety is harder wearing, softer and much thicker than the older style Queensland Blue Couch. While Aussiblue is generally easier to maintain, the Queensland Blue Couch does mow down to a lower height. Aussiblue is proving very successful in both residential and commercial projects across South East Queensland.
- Resistant to disease & weed invasion
- Grows well in 6-7 hours of direct sunlight a day
- Great for children with the softest leaf on the market
High Traffic Tolerant
Very hard wearing
Shade Tolerant
Grows well in shaded areas
Required Sunlight
6-7 hours of direct sun per day
Type of Grass
Soft leaf in dark green colour
Mowing Height
25 – 30 mm
Rapid growth in great conditions
Enquire with our friendly team for a sharp price on your turf today