Turf Varieties
With over 10 different varieties grown specifically for South East Queensland conditions we know we will supply you with the perfect lawn. There are however a few deep and meaningful issues to consider when choosing the right one for you.
For example;
- How much direct sunlight can your new lawn expect to enjoy over a 24 hour period? Direct sunlight is a major factor to consider.
- So to is the number of high level backyard cricket internationals, the size and number of furry friends.
- The number of backyard soirees and the extent of the guest list. Is there a swimming pool in the equation and how often is Marco Polo played and the Fish Out Of Water defence employed?
- Busking, somersaulting, star gazing, yoga or just lazing about there are a multitude of options to consider. Perhaps it’s a touchy feely thing or a preference for a certain shade of green.
Each Tinamba Turf variety works perfectly in the right conditions so we’ll make sure you get the one perfect for you. Take your time, ask questions, we’re happy to talk about grass until it needs mowing!
Turf Tolerances

Cold Tolerant

Drought Tolerant

High Traffic Tolerant

Shade Tolerant

Sun Tolerant

Low Maintenance
Enquire with our friendly team for a sharp price on your turf today