Turf Weeds
If a major weed problem develops, a herbicide may need to be applied. It is extremely important to use the correct spray for the particular lawn type. The correct herbicide will depend on:
Lawn variety: The variety and (never apply herbicides containing “dicamba” on soft-leaf buffalo turf types varieties. Palmetto is such a variety. Herbicides that can be applied to Queensland Blue Couch can be applied to Aussiblue and Sweet Smother).
Type of weed: The weed that needs to be eradicated will require a specific treatment.
7 things to remember when using herbicide:
Spray when the weather is calm as chemical drift could harm nearby plants.
The soil should be moist before applying herbicides. It is wise to add a wetting agent to the herbicide to help it stick to the leaf of the weed and make it work more effectively.
Kill weeds in their seedling stage as they are easier to eradicate, and before they have set seed.
Spray during the cooler part of the day.
Do not mow the lawn for about a week before spraying and do not mow for at least three days after spraying.
Water lightly the afternoon before you spray. Don’t water for three days after, as a rule (some chemicals require the application of water after to move into the thatch or root zone).
Persistent weeds may need repeat sprayings but these applications should never be applied closer than two weeks from the previous spraying.
Identifying pests and weeds and how to treat them
Treatment: Lawn grub and beetle killer
Treatment: Nutless
Treatment: Spot spray Roundup Weedkiller
Treatment: Bin-Die
Grey leaf spot
Treatment: Mankozeb – three applications
Army worms
Treatment: Lawn grub and beetle killer
Mullumbimbi couch
Treatment: Nutless
Treatment: Spot spray Roundup Weedkiller
Treatment: Bin-Die
Dollar spot
Treatment: Mankozeb
Black beetle
Treatment: Lawn grub and beetle killer
Treatment: Spot spray Roundup Weedkiller
Creeping oxalis
Treatment: Bin-Die
General broadleaf weeds
Treatment: Bin-Die
Brown patch
Treatment: Mankozeb
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